Open Research Data

On behalf of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, the ORD Unit implements the Swiss National Action Plan for Open Research Data (ORD) and serves as a representative for Open Science topics.

Call for Nominations – ORD Prize 2024

The Research Community is welcome to submit nominations for the 2024 ORD Prize until 31 August 2024. Please fill out the following form to submit your nomination.


The ORD Prize Jury will discuss all severe proposals for the prize. No self-nominations are accepted. Self-nomination clarification: if the nominator directly employs the potential nominee in the particular project, the nomination is considered as self-nomination and cannot be accepted.


Please read the Call and the regulations before submitting your nomination. Nominations must be submitted in English only.


The winners of the ORD Prize 2024 will be awarded at the dedicated award ceremony in Bern on 27 November 2024.

Has the nominated person or the nominated institution been informed about the nomination and agrees to it?*
The nomination is made for (multiple choices possible):*
I nominate:*
ORD Unit

Olivia Denk

Specialist for Open Science


House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern